FRENCH POLITICAL THOUGHT gestion^ but few students agree to the permanent validity of this distinction : two conceptions of the State are really involved, one of which must triumph. The ultimate issue can scarcely be in doubt. The old con- ception is really bound up with irresponsible Monarchy. The sovereignty of a king is a reality, that of the people a fiction, meaningless save as a denial of autocracy.1 It had, however, the advantage of being supremely useful to any government in need of extensive powers, and was therefore cheerfully handed on by Monarchy to Republic, by Republic to Empire and by Empire to Republic once more. But its validity depended on the alleged insecurity of the regime, and this justification is no longer possible. " Administrative Syndicalism has come," as Professor Laski says,2" because there is now no reason to restrain it. The executive power can no longer make a plea for its autocratic exercise when the army is no longer a source of disloyalty and the Church has been reduced to a shadow of her former influence. The only reason for the retention of the present system is the power it places in the hands of statesmen," particularly, we would add, against the other syndicalist danger, the organized forces of Socialist and Communist Labour. The real fact is that, as M. Paul-Boncour says,3 "The Revolution has exhausted the consequences of its principles as far as the political order is concerned; economic questions are now in the forefront and the task is how to organize a freedom duly subordinated to economic relations and economic conditions. This the State cannot do and therefore allows the exploitation of public power by organized private interests/'4 1 " L'expression ' souverainete nationale' n'a qu'un sens raisonnable—c'est la negation de la subordination du peuple a toute souverainet£ personnelle " (Barthelemy, quoted by Leroy, Techniques nouvelles, p. 268). 2 Op. cit.9 p. 346. 8 Op. cit., p. 344. * Cf. the statement made by one of the magnates of the Comitl des Forges: "Monsieur, quand des interets atteignent a Tampleur des ndtres, ils se confondent avec 1'int^r ^t national" (Henry de Jouvenel, Pourquoi je suis Syndicaliste, p. 59). 472